Dry needling is among the most powerful forms of treatment available today to treat pain and dysfunctions in the musculature and joint system. This happens through an effective stimulation of the nervous system. The aim of dry needling is to restore or improve the function of a muscle/body part and to reduce the pain.
What is the difference between acupuncture and dry needling?
Acupuncture originates from Eastern medicine, while dry needling is a Western treatment method developed by doctors. At first they attempted with medical injections but eventually noticed that the same result was achieved by hitting the right point with a needle, without injecting medicine.
Dry needling mainly focuses on reducing pain and restoring function in the muscle by hitting special points in the muscle. The focus in acupuncture is treating medical conditions by restoring the flow of Qi, working from meridians in the body and restoring the body's balance.
The needles are different in acupuncture and dry needling. The acupuncture needles have small barbs that hook into the tissue and are allowed to remain in the same point for a moment, while dry needling needles smoothly slide in and out of the muscle. Dry needling uses the same needle which is moved around between the different points of the muscles, and does not remain in the same place for a period of time.
The implementation
In the moment of using the needle, you rarely feel anything, sometimes it stings a little, but almost never hurts. When the needle hits the point, a small, local muscle contraction occurs which is called a local twitch. It may hurt, but the pain does not last. The treatment is always done in consultation with how you as a patient react.
You book dry needling by booking a naprapath or massage appointment.